PPC 4/23/19 Minutes Facilitator: Carl Nathe Recorder Will Hoctor Attendees: Fr. Dan, Fr. Vitner, Fr. Jose, Brian Bratten, Linda Frazer, Brian Young, Pat VanMeter, Ann Henry, Jim Obert, Brian Carlson
Opening Prayer
The budget will be presented at the May meeting so the budget can be finalized at the Finance council meeting
Sanctuary renovations and discussion of the $400,000
The pews couldn’t be refurbished with the $400,000 donation but, there’s another donation that is in process to fully restore the sacristy. Most of the $400,000 will go towards the church renovation but, some of it is being frozen to address safety concerns.
Approval of the Feb. 26 minutes – Minutes were approved with the correction of the spellings of Brian Bratten, Linda Frazer and Ann Henry’s names
Welcoming and introductions
Proposal by Ann Henry to update the Parish Mission Statement
The mission statement has not been updated for some time. It may be appropriate to update the statement and make it simpler.
The motion for updating the mission statement will be tabled for a future meeting.
Expanded Meeting Prayer
Mid May preliminary meeting to Focus on how the PPC is fulfilling its mission is cancelled due to the moving of the update from the Finance Council. Instead it is suggested to email Carl Nathe with any thoughts on how the council is meeting its goals and objectives so that it can be consolidated and presented to Fr. Dan
New Business: How to best fill open positions on parish committees and on the PPC: Open positions and ministries in need of more members need to be listed as more people may be willing to volunteer if they know what ministries need the help. This discussion should be included in the upcoming PPC meeting regarding stewardship.
The PPC self-evaluation will be included in the May meeting with the budget update but, may need to be tabled for a future meeting