BAPTISMS in English - For those age 7 and younger. Baptismal preparation classes for both parent and Godparent are required. every 5 years. Contact Jane Tucker at [email protected] or 859-278-7432 ext. 1483.
December 2024
Baptisms - December 14 at 10:00am
Class - December 9 at 6:30pm
They must enroll in the Children's Initiation program. Church law states that anyone over the "age of reason" (knowing right from wrong - about age 7) is to be instructed and prepared for the sacraments themselves. They are the ones who freely choose to be baptized. They will receive "Full Initiation" which is Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion. Church law states that all who have been prepared receive Full Initiation the following Easter Season. Preparation begins September 11 with the celebration of the sacraments Saturday May 3, 2025.