Recuerda que tienes un papel importante en nuestra misión: recibir el amor de Dios, proclamar la grandeza del Señor, servir con alegría y hacer discípulos misioneros de Jesucristo. Por favor oren acerca de cómo el Señor los está llamando a apoyar a María Reina. Incluso la donación más pequeña o el aumento del ofertorio marcarán una gran diferencia.
- Tony Pescatore, presidente del Consejo de Finanzas
Remember that you have an important role in our mission: To receive God’s love, proclaim the greatness of the Lord, serve joyfully and make missionary disciples of Jesus Christ. Please pray about how the Lord is calling you to support Mary Queen. Even the smallest gift or increase in offertory will make a big difference.
- Tony Pescatore, Finance Council Chair
Finance Council Chairperson, Tony Pescatore via email, [email protected] For a list of all our Finance Council members, click here.
The bishop heads the diocese and appoints a priest as pastor to serve and manage each parish community on his behalf. The pastor is ultimately responsible for all parish finances. Church Law (Canon 1280 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law) and diocesan norms recognize the tremendous responsibility given to pastors in the realm of parish finances. Accordingly, every parish is required to have a parish finance council. The pastor is responsible for assembling the parish finance council. The parish finance council is an advisory body whose membership should include individuals skilled in finance, civil law, construction/engineering or business.
Finance Councils are mandated by Canon Law
Every parish finance council must have at least three members. The parish finance council will:
assist in the preparation of the annual budget;
assist in monitoring financial reports and the annual budget on an ongoing (at least quarterly) basis;
assist the pastor in assuring that the financial statements are presented to the parish community (at least annually);
assist in the implementation of acceptable internal control practices including reviewing and implementing diocesan policies, and;
assist the pastor in evaluating the impact on parish finances and administration of leasing parish properties to an outside organization.
The parish finance council will meet at least four times a year. At every meeting, the parish finance council will review and analyze the financial activities of the parish, monitor compliance with the annual parish budget, review quarterly financial reports, and review the financial impact of the mission and ministry of the parish as established by the pastor.