Clergy Leadership: Fr. Miguel Alvizures, pastor
Contact: Adam Beeken, chairperson
The LITURGY Committee plans and provides for the spiritual development of the parish community through meaningful liturgies and other forms of parish worship. The committee should include individuals who represent all aspects of the parish in terms of age, gender, race, education, etc., as well as the Pastor, Parochial Vicars, Deacons, music director and worship coordinator, Specific responsibilities include:
a. Establishing short-range and long-range goals for the liturgical life of the parish based on the vision of the Church shaped by the documents of Vatican II, the Bishop and the PPC;
b. Planning and preparing for celebrations of worship in the parish;
c. Coordinating and overseeing the recruiting, training, and renewal of liturgical ministers;
d. Providing for the ongoing liturgical formation of parishioners, as well as the committee itself, in order to promote full, conscious and active participation of the faithful;
e. Communicating and collaborating with the Pastor and other staff members to establish parish policies concerning various rites and liturgical matters, e.g. weddings, funerals, baptisms, first communions, and confirmations, in accordance with diocesan norms; and
f. Providing for a regular process of evaluation in all the above areas.
Altar Server's Schedule
Children's Liturgy
Sunday dismissals
School Masses
Home Eucharistic Visits
Religious Formation
Sacramental Preparation