MQ PPC welcomed three members from the MQ Hispanic community
Their mission was to recommend three members from the MQ Hispanic community to join the MQ PPC
3 – Approval of February Minutes
Minor grammar edit suggested by Scott King and Carl Nathe
4 – Hispanic representation
Our three guests nominated themselves to represent the MQ Hispanic community
MQ PPC recommended that Fr. Dan accept their nomination to join the MQ PPC
Fr. Dan appointed Isabel Valdez, Lucia Jeronimo, and Yuridia Guizar.
5 – Coronavirus Updates from MQ PPC
Personal updates on their individual status
Fr. Aldrin Tayag
Volunteers have called 800 parishioners so far (2300 parishioners at MQ)
28 requests for help with rent and bills
Some requests for food and water
60 offers to help with offers for delivery, transportation and to make phone calls
Prayer requests
Given some gift cards
All requests are screened and coordinated with Catholic Charities
Not all contact info was as up to date as we would like – need to update contact info
Cross check church list with ACTS retreats and That Man Is You (TMIY)
One Goal is to direct parishoners to MQ website for updated info
Give extra to Catholic Charities instead of MQ during the crisis
Reorganizing the website as our main means of communication
Increased use of social media and email to direct more traffic to the website
6 – Stewardship Follow Up
Do we reach out to the 180 who did not make a pledge for this year?
Many may have not just filled out a pledge card - Annette can cross check
Fr Dan said he can take it from here.
Initial budget was six figures short
Offertory and school tuition will go down after this crisis.
Policy is budget transparency
Policy is 60 days income even if no money comes in.
Actual collection was $8700 last weekend
$4K was weekly ACH
$13K total
Budget of $45K
Easter was viewed as a catchup weekend – but mass is unlikely
Letter to go out asking them to remember the needs of the parish?
Is that too much of an ask?
Maybe a letter to go to top 25% of donor list?
7 - Scheduling of committee reports/finalizing dates for PPC through 2020. Scott King asked that the budget committee report be moved to May from April
2020 Schedule of Committee Report to Father Dan and the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting DatesScheduled Committee Report, etc.
June No June Meeting
December No December Meeting
To Be Scheduled
Christian Service / Social Concerns – Was in February last year
Evangelization – No report last year / position vacant