Annette Hamblin leaving in mid-May and handing this over to Steve
She took over in Mid-January
3 – Approval of March Minutes
Approved as submitted
4 – Parish Communications
Staff communications committee is reviewing communications methods and vehicles
Seeking PPC input
Store masses on You Tube?
Currently stored on FB and website
MQ has a YT channel but has limits on time available for length of video
Website redesign – starting from scratch – was previously done by volunteers and making it a staff person’s responsibility going forward
Limited options unless we pay more options
Will use “Remind” more to send invites and alerts for events.
Called 1500 households
320 bad numbers: disconnected, no longer in service, changed, etc.
Feb 900 likes on Facebook to – 1400 likes now
~1100 email addresses
2000 households in parish – but not all active
5 – Coronavirus Update
Fr. Dan
Donations are down
One week we more than doubled the needed collection
Past week’s offertory was $17K out of budget of $46K
Applied for PPP loan and it was approved
School: $565K; Church: $139K – forgivable loans
Expect 20% drop of 400 students from MQ
Scott King (tentative budget)
Finance council meeting every two weeks
Tough to budget in this environment
Fr. Dan
Present need for financial assistance for school – larger parish donation
Subsidize school about $2K/student
Parish support has not been increased to school in five years
School is in a more dire cash flow situation than parish
Six months operating expenses for parish in house – before PPP loan
Fr. Dan
Do we use some of our parish operating expenses to help the needy in this crisis?
Work through Catholic Charities so families do not double dip
School has a little under a month of cash on hand
Kids will not drop out still school ends – tuition ends in May
Start making tuition payments in June for following year – that’s when we’ll get a real feel for who is coming back
PPP covers about 2.5 months of school payroll
Pay teachers on current contract though end of July even though tuition ends in May
Always creates a cash crunch this time of year
Diocesan-wide best practices for schools?
Fr. Dan
All part time hourly employees have been furloughed
More of a collaborative process going forward for school, but have to figure that out based on PPP coming through
Tuition rates to diocese in Feb and was up 3%
No action will be taken until there is a finalized budget in front of PPC
PPC consensus recommendation will be to support the mission of the parish school first and foremost
6 - Stewardship Update
180 fewer treasury commitments compared to last year – no further analysis yet
Good stewardship letter that went out to parishioners
7 – Scheduling of committee reports/finalizing dates for PPC through 2020
Finance committee scheduled to present draft budget at May meeting
May need a June meeting if after a first look at the budget the PPC feels it needs further review in order to have a completed budget in place for July 1
8 - Fr. Aldrin – closing prayer
Additional Information
Scheduling of committee reports/finalizing dates for PPC through 2020.
2020 Schedule of Committee Report to Father Dan and the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting DatesScheduled Committee Report, etc. 1/28/2020 Stewardship – Ann Henry
3/24/2020 Follow up on Stewardship Report / Lenten Holy Hour
5/26/2020 Finance Council (Budget) – Scott King & ??
June No June Meeting
7/28/2020 Liturgy Committee – Deacon Bill Rood
9/22/2020 School Update – Susan Lancho & Becky Brown
10/27/2020 Formation / Education – Jim Obert
December No December Meeting
To Be Scheduled
Christian Service / Social Concerns – Was in February last year
Evangelization – No report last year / position vacant