“Walking with Moms in Need is a nationwide, parish-based initiative to increase support for pregnant and parenting mothers in need. It works to ensure that any woman who finds herself unexpectedly pregnant, or parenting in difficult circumstances, can turn to her local Catholic Church and be connected with the resources she needs. Volunteers walk
with moms throughout the motherhood journey, offering them authentic Christian friendship and ongoing support.”
-United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Our Mary Queen WWMIN ministry has assisted a variety of women: a 19 year old single mom who needed maternity clothes, then formula, diapers, and wipes; a mom who left an abusive relationship and needed housing & furniture for herself and her nine year old son; a mom who needed a stroller, car seat, and diapers; a mom whose husband had been out of work and they were behind on the electric bill and needed clothes for their children. Several other moms had slightly different situations but all were in need of someone to walk with them – for a short time or for many months – and help them to find needed resources. The primary need for most of the moms is safe housing.
Our Core Teams meets monthly to determine or make adjustments to the direction of our ministry.
“Gabriel Angels” are our frontline volunteers who go through special training, and offer emotional, spiritual support, material resources, and a great deal of love. Like Gabriel, they announce the same comforting message to Mary that nothing is impossible with God.
Volunteers who have baby furnishings/supplies to donate, hold onto them untilthere’s a mom in need of their items. One volunteer tracks all these donations and contacts the donors when there is a need.
Other volunteers offer assistance with financial support, translation, transportation, shopping, babysitting, blankets, baby showers, counseling, or guidance with education and/or work placement.
If you are interested in serving moms in crisis via our Mary Queen Walking with
Moms ministry, please call the parish office at 1(859) 278-7432 and leave your name and contact information.