Meetings are held monthly, normally at 7:00 pm on the 4th Tuesday of each month. The meetings are open to any interested parishioners. However, if you wish to speak to an issue, an outline should be submitted to the chairperson so it can be put on the agenda at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.
Check with the chairperson or the parish office (859-278-7432) to determine the exact time and place of each meeting.
Pastoral decisions are the role and prerogative of the Pastor. In accord with the spirit of Vatican II, the Code of Canon Law, and the norms of our local Church, our Pastor and the members of our parish recognize the value for consultation and dialogue in the process of making sound Pastoral decisions. The members of our PPC, as a consultative body, will make themselves available to our Pastor to offer their prudent advice to accomplish the Parish Mission, proclaim Christ and to teach the Good News, to bear witness in the community, to serve as Jesus commanded, to celebrate the realities of faith, and to be Christ to one another.
Parish Pastoral Councils exist at the discretion of the Diocesan Bishop.
The PPC seeks to achieve its purpose and function by:
The fundamental purpose and function of the PPC is to lead the parish community in the discernment and expression of its Mission. The PPC shall serve as the parish visionaries and planners, who as a body, through prayer, discussion and discernment, offer insight and advice to the Pastor regarding the near and long term goals of the parish and implementing plans to achieve such goals. This encompasses investigating, contemplating, discussing and proposing Pastoral matters in a manner, which ideally, generates a consensus. To those ends, the PPC may establish such subcommittees, as needed, regarding the fundamental needs and expectations of the parishioners.
a) Praying that with the grace of God, they may discern the voice of the Holy Spirit;
b) Building a community through faith sharing;
c) Learning more about the Church and the needs of the parish - including its Pastoral, spiritual, social, economic, financial, religious and other needs;
d) Annually establishing prioritized goals and objectives for the parish, based on the Parish Mission;
e) Coordinating all parish activities to ensure that the goals and objectives are being addressed faithfully as they are implemented by Committees;
f) Evaluating existing programs for efficacy as to the goals and objectives, and recommending actions for their improvement; and
g) Serving as a forum for constructive dialogue and communication within the parish community.