The Mary Queen Music Ministry represents all ages and the diversity of our parish. There are several groups and opportunities for cantors, psalmists, instrumentalists, singers, & tech people.
Nuestro Coro canta en el Rosario de Aurora con Obispo Juan - Our coro sang beautifully during our Aurora Rosary with Bishop John Upcoming Dates/Fechas 10/11 & 12 MQHR FALL FESTIVAL 10/27 2-4pm New...
Our school choir sang at the 5pm Mass this past weekend, they did a great job! + + + El coro de nuestra escuela cantó en la misa de las 5 p.m. el fin de semana pasado, ¡hicieron un gran trabajo...
Upcoming Dates/Fechas 9/28 1pm Boda 10/1 8:15 & 6:30pm Solemnity of the Anniversary of the Dedication of the Church 10/4 5:30pm Pet Blessing 10/5 & 6 Parish Feast Day- Solemnity of Our Lady of the...
Upcoming Dates/Fechas 9/20 1:00pm Funeral for John Larmour 9/21 8:15am Feast of the St. Matthew Schedule 9/18/24 Horario 3:00-3:45pm Beginner Guitar(AB) 5:00-5:45pm Intermediate Guitar & Classe de...
Schedule 9/11/24 Horario 3:00-3:45pm Beginner Guitar(AB) 5:00-5:45pm Intermediate Guitar & Classe de Musica 5:30-6:00pm Guitar Ensemble 5:45-6:15pm Dinner (Cafeteria) Cena 6:15-6:45pm Music Ministry...
We are thrilled to be hosting the Lexington Singers Children's Choir on Tuesday afternoons. They had their first rehearsal this past Tuesday. + Estamos encantados de ser anfitriones del Coro de...